Hungary praises political reforms and parliamentary election in Kazakhstan

4 April 2023, 11:08 315

The Embassy of Kazakhstan in Hungary together with the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary organized a round table discussion entitled “Political Reform: Results of the Early Parliamentary Elections in Kazakhstan”, cites MFA.

The round table was attended by representatives of the Hungarian Parliament, the Foreign Ministry, international organizations, as well as academic, expert, journalistic and business circles of Hungary.

Ambassador of Kazakhstan Zhanibek Abdrashov informed the participants of the meeting about the implementation of political reforms in Kazakhstan proposed by President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in March 2022, the results of the elections of deputies of the Mazhilis of the Parliament and Maslikhats of Kazakhstan, as well as the main tasks set by the President for the new deputy corps.

Director of the Hungarian Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade Márton Schőberl noted that today it is necessary to take into account the current global trends. In his opinion, President Tokayev's extensive diplomatic experience in dealing with various regional and global challenges is particularly relevant in this context.

Member of the Hungarian National Assembly, Deputy Chairman of the Hungarian-Kazakh Parliamentary Friendship Group Sándor Kovács in his speech spoke about his visit to Kazakhstan as an observer of the parliamentary election, in particular about the high level of organization of the electoral process. According to him, Kazakhstan is making significant efforts to strengthen its democratic course.

Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Ádám Stifter emphasized the high level of relations between the two countries in the political, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres, and noted that Hungary considers Kazakhstan a key partner in Central Asia and fully supports the process of democratic transformation in our country.

According to Director of the Center for Central Asian Studies at Corvinus University Márton Krasznai the strategic direction chosen by Kazakhstan is a significant contribution to the stability of the entire Central Asian region.

According to the expert, the accelerated pace of democratic reforms is a convincing demonstration of the strategic foresight of President Tokayev, who has half a century of experience as a diplomat and a high-ranking political figure and uses his strong democratic mandate to continue a multi-vector foreign policy. According to him, Hungary is the most active supporter of strengthening cooperation between the EU and Central Asia, especially Kazakhstan.

The moderator of the event, László Vasa, a senior researcher at the Hungarian Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade, praised Kazakhstan's success in consistently implementing reforms aimed at democratizing society and protecting human rights.

A columnist for the Hungarian publishing house “Mandiner” Mátyás Kohán who visited Kazakhstan as a journalist during the parliamentary election, noted the openness of the young leadership of the Government of Kazakhstan and the transparency of Kazakh society as a whole, as well as the high level of organization of the elections.

In general, the Hungarian experts highly appreciated the level of fundamental democratic transformations achieved by Kazakhstan in the past year and expressed their support for the new course of political and socio-economic reforms in our country.
