How many women head IT companies in Astana Hub

9 February, 17:12 1035

At the end of 2023, the volume of IT exports by Astana Hub participants reached more than $282 million, investments in the amount of 57 billion tenge were attracted, the total income amounted to 400 billion tenge, and the number of jobs created exceeded 25 thousand

"To date, more than 1,400 companies have been registered in the Astana Hub International Technopark, of which 261 companies are headed by women," the speaker said, noting that most of these companies are aimed at the development of the social sphere.

This year, it is planned to implement separate projects: "Tech Girls" and "Tech Aiel". According to Alina Abdrakhmanova, a member of the National Commission on Women's Affairs, Family and Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the main goal of such projects is not only to provide skills, IT skills, to help girls find flexible forms of basic or additional income, to enter one of the most promising industries, but also to form a professional community.

"Last year's experience of IT-Aiel showed us how important it is when women have an environment where they can support each other, exchange business ideas and experience. We believe that these projects will be a valuable contribution to the training of IT personnel in Kazakhstan and more and more girls and women will be able to gain access to such a promising, most inclusive and highly paid field as IT," the speaker said.
