The concert of outstanding Kazakh pianist, people's artist of Kazakhstan, laureate of the state prize of Kazakhstan, laureate of international competitions, professor Zhania Aubakirova within the framework of the anniversary events dedicated to the 30th anniversary of her creative activity was held in Paris hall of Corto.
The concert, held in the framework of socio-cultural project "Kazakhstan autumn in France" initiated by the Embassy of Kazakhstan, where Kazakhstan celebrities, winners of prestigious competitions Erzhan Kulibayev (violin), Sania Durkeyeva (cello), Roman Yussipey (accordion) participated.
Masterpieces of great classics, as well as works of modern composers were performed by Kazakh virtuosos. Zh. Aubakirova's European tour will continue in the capitals of Austria, Germany and Poland.
Зрители поделились своими впечатлениями: «Французская публика очень избалована. Но даже этот искушенный зритель никогда не слышал хорал Баха в исполнении фортепиано и аккордеона. Казахские музыканты выступали удивительно. Я знал и раньше о Казахстане, но сегодня я понял, что есть The audience shared their impressions: "French public is very spoiled. But even this sophisticated audience has never heard Bach's chorale performed by piano and accordion. Kazakh musicians were amazing. I knew about Kazakhstan before, but today I realized that there are talented musicians of such world level. I'm impressed. Now I decided to go to Kazakh concerts more often".