Elmira Zhangaziyeva: "Abay's words must be heard by today's youth"

16 January 2020, 09:52 1625

One can say that the President’s article "Abay and Kazakhstan in the XXI century" opens the year of the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev, emphasizing the relevance of the creative heritage of our great educator and philosopher. His call "Be Human!" should be heard by today's generation as well.

His heritage is the cultural capital of the nation. A century ago, Abay called for unity and peace, and are not his words relevant today?! Appealing to the advice and moral precepts of our great thinker and humanist can help us overcome the moral imperfections of our own and public, and most importantly - in raising the younger generation.

Elmira Zhangaziyeva,

head of "Kogamdyk Kelisim" MPI in Turkestan region

