Cash incomes of population of Kazakhstan increased by 4.5%

9 October 2023, 18:37 1805

According to estimates, the average per capita nominal cash income of the population in 2022 averaged 157,017 tenge per month and increased by 20.2% compared to 2021. Taking into account the consumer price index of this period (15%), cash incomes of the population in real terms increased by 4.5%, reports with reference to the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The maximum value of the average per capita nominal cash income of the population in 2022 is noted in the Atyrau region (315,448 tenge), the minimum - in the Turkestan region (82,900 tenge).

It should be noted that the nominal monetary income of the population is the money allocated by the population for current consumption, production activities and accumulation. Their value is determined by the calculation method at the macro level and includes an assessment of the monetary income of the population from hired and self-employment (with an adjustment for the concealment of wages and the non-coverage of the number of the employed population in statistical reporting) and the payment of social transfers.

Average per capita income is calculated by dividing the total amount of income by the number of the resident population.

Real cash income is nominal cash income adjusted for inflation, the department explained.
