Astana Opera successfully performs in Shymkent

Today, 17:23 63

Astana Opera’s long-awaited tour took place on September 28 at the Shymkent City Opera and Ballet Theatre, cites

The capital’s company presented a brilliant program of Kazakh composers’ works and world opera masterpieces. The tour, supported by the Ministry of Culture and Information of Kazakhstan, became a vivid example of how classical art can take a kind of nomadic form, moving from city to city and expanding the tour geography of the capital’s opera house throughout Kazakhstan.

Shymkent has long been known for its warm and hospitable reception. This evening was no exception. The audience enthusiastically greeted the capital’s artists, among whom were celebrated masters of stage arts, such as Honoured Workers of Kazakhstan Zhupar Gabdullina, Zhanat Shybykbayev, Meir Bainesh, Bibigul Zhanuzak, Bagdat Abilkhanov, Raushan Beskembirova, international competitions laureates Guldana Aldadossova, Talgat Galeyev, Bolat Yessimkhanov, Talgat Allabirinov and others. The artists, each unique in their own way, immersed the audience in the atmosphere of high art.

In the program, a special emphasis was placed on the performance of Kazakh composers’ works. Unforgettable moments, such as Shege’s terme from Yevgeniy Brussilovsky’s opera Qyz Zhibekand the Aitys scene from Muqan Tolebayev’s opera Birzhan – Sara, made a great impression on the listeners. These compositions embody the national musical culture and each time they are performed, it is a return to our roots.

Kazakh composers’ music echoed arias by world classics – Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Dvořák, Puccini and others. The inspiring performances were accompanied by the Astana Opera Symphony Orchestra and Choir under the baton of Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan Abzal Mukhitdin.

The culmination of the program was Yeskendir Khassangaliyev’s song Atameken. Its performance united both the artists and the viewers in a single feeling of love for our homeland. The audience greeted this composition standing, as a symbol of unity and pride for our country.

“It was incredible. What an opportunity for us to be here tonight. I’ve never seen that many performances in one night before. It was really quite something. We just arrived today and we are here to visit our colleagues at Auezov University. They brought us here for a cultural experience and it was one we’ll never forget. For me, the most impressive number was the last one. To see all the performers together and the audience so engaged, it was the best one.

I am a Professor at University of Minnesota, working in Inclusive Education and STEM Education, and it is my second visit to Kazakhstan. My wish for the performers is that they hold on to their talent, because they have moved this entire room so well and it’s very important to maintain this art in the country and to bring people together the way they did. When the room erupted you can really see the power of their talents and how it brought people together,” Professor Christopher Johnston from the USA noted.

Veteran of the educational sphere Gulsim Kakezhanova was no less impressed.

“Words cannot express how thrilled we are. How stunning are our opera performers, what a magnificent orchestra! And the conductor’s mastery is simply amazing! To control such a number of instruments at the same time is a tremendous work. The rise and fall of voices, soloists’ connection with the orchestra, the creation of a unified sound is pure magic. Listening to the soloist, I hear the orchestra, and listening to the orchestra, hear the soloist. Not only the musical work and voice, but also artistry is important, and today we saw all this. I got a huge spiritual pleasure from the concert. Birzhan and Sara’s Aitys, Abai’s aria and other compositions, accompanied by choir and orchestra, sounded incredibly powerful. We saw humorous as well as serious works onstage – everything was presented. I was assured again that our Kazakh opera singers are very strong. I bow my head before the talent of Astana Opera’s artists. I would like them to come to our city more often,” the pensioner Gulsim Kakezhanova expressed her admiration.

Special attention of the tour program was given to young listeners. An educational concert In the World of Music was prepared for them. Here the artists introduced children to the types of operatic voices and musical instruments. Thanks to the engrossing narration of Astana Opera’s musicologist Saule Mauletova, little theatregoers had the opportunity to learn more about the world of opera and classical music, which undoubtedly left them with vivid impressions.

“I really liked the concert, the performances of Rossini’s Duetto Buffo di Due Gatti and Tlendiyev’s Masa (A Mosquito) were especially interesting. I attend a dombyra course in school at the moment, and in the future I want to become a talented musician, just like the artists who performed onstage today,” Nurym Nurzhaubai, a 4th grade student, said.

“When I saw on the billboard that Astana Opera was coming on tour to our city, I immediately bought tickets both to the children’s and evening concerts. This is a very important event that happens not every day. We are all very impressed and truly delighted. It seems to me that today the children seemed to get in touch with the world of music in a new way. Although they attend a music school and are already familiar with the main basis, but to see all this live is a completely different experience. It is one thing when a child studies music, and completely different when he sees a live performance. Huge thanks to Astana Opera’s artists,” viewer Aigerim Kozhanova shared her impressions.

Astana Opera’s tour to Shymkent was a great success and became a true cultural event. The artists left, taking with them the love and gratitude of the Shymkent audience, who will be eagerly awaiting their return. There is no doubt that musical nomadism will continue to expand the borders of tour performances, introducing citizens of our country to high art.
