Astana Opera Soloist to Perform in an Opera Premiere in Budapest

21 August, 14:22 459

The Astana Opera soloist Azat Malik, laureate of the Daryn International Youth Prize and winner of many international competitionswill take part in a premiere of the opera Nixon in China by the American composer John Adams at the Hungarian State Opera, cites 

The Kazakh baritone’s performances are planned for September 22 and 29, as well as October 5. 

As a reminder, Azat Malik is a graduate of the Astana Opera International Opera Academy, as well as Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music. His close collaboration with the Hungarian State Opera began during his Master’s degree in Budapest, after winning the Eva Marton Competition. Previously, he successfully performed Barnaba in Ponchielli’s La Gioconda, Escamillo in Bizet’s Carmen, Schaunard in Puccini’s La Bohème at the Hungarian opera house. 

“In September-October I will take part in five performances of Nixon in China. In this opera I will perform the main part of Chou En-lai (Zhou Enlai), the first Prime Minister of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, who held this position from the founding of the country until the end of his life. Previously, I have already performed in several productions at the Hungarian State Opera. Therefore, for me, Hungary is a special country with warm and friendly people. The audience perceives opera very well, shares their impressions and warm wishes after each performance, and always happily awaits me again on this stage,” Astana Opera soloist Azat Malik said. 

“My teacher, People’s Artist of Hungary, world-famous opera singer, Professor of the Liszt Ferenc Hungarian National Academy of Music Eva Marton, became like a second mother to me. My accompanist is a professor of the same academy,Katalin Alter. I would like to express my gratitude to the Hungarian State Opera for the trust and invitation. My colleagues always greet me with a warm welcome when I come,” the opera singer noted. He also emphasized that he is a graduate of the Liszt Academy, and therefore each of his visits to Hungary feels like a return home.

Speaking about the opera Nixon in China, it is worth noting that this is the first opera by John Adams. The work tells the story of Richard Nixon’s important visit to China in February 1972. The composer tried to express his vision of politics and the world situation through the language of art. Music critics immediately called it one of the best modern operas. The world premiere of the opera took place in 1987 at the Houston Grand Opera in Texas. At the Hungarian State Opera, it will be staged for the first time to mark the opening of the theatrical season. 

“This opera is written in the style of musical minimalism as part of the postmodern trends. The special feature of the vocal parts in Nixon in Chinais that they are focused on melodic performance. The parts do not have a wide chanting quality, for example, like those by the composers of the classical era. They have a more angular melody, distinguished by the schematism of the melodic and rhythmic pattern. In addition, in the third act, the parts of the heroes become more complex, which demonstrates a gradual deepening of the vocal characteristics. For me, this will be my first experience of performing in this style, so this opera will be a premiere in my repertoire,” Azat Malik noted. 

In addition, it is worth noting that Azat will take part in nine performances of Verdi’s opera Falstaff at the Hungarian State Opera in November and December 2024, as well as in ten performances of Puccini’s La Fanciulla del West in March and April 2025. In addition to foreign performances, the Astana Opera soloist actively participates in the repertoire productions of his native opera house to please Kazakh viewers. Opera aficionados will have an opportunity to appreciate his work in Astana Opera’s new 12ththeatrical season. 
