2 July 2019, 18:20 4064

In Almaty, within the framework of the charitable action of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan "Caravan of Mercy", a convoy of cars started with charitable assistance to the city of Arys.

Within the framework of the action, 9 trucks with 65 tons of humanitarian aid were sent to the city of Arys, Turkestan region, including construction materials and foodstuffs collected by members of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan in Almaty.

The event was attended by the deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the chairman of the public association "Republican ethnocultural center of Uyghurs of Kazakhstan" Shaimardan Nurumov, the chairman of APK’s Mothers Council in Almaty, the deputy of the maslikhat of Almaty, the chairman of the Tatar center of humanitarian development "Ildash" Nuriya Niyazova and representatives of the republican and urban ethnocultural associations.

"The main reason why the construction materials are here is that now they have started the reconstruction and repair work, i.e. the second phase of assistance. In the first phase, during the evacuation and evacuation of the residents, we also helped with other means, products, clothes, etc. Here, not only entrepreneurs, but also the entire nation provides great assistance. Even one pensioner listed 200 tenge, for us it is equal to 200 million tenge. That is, there are no indifferent citizens here, we as one people should help our fellow citizens in such a difficult moment. All of Kazakhstan is with us, and we will continue to help the citizens of Arys – "Biz Aryspen Birgemiz" Shaymardan Nurumov said.

To date, the total amount of assistance provided by the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan members is more than 70 million tenge. Within the framework of the national charitable action of APK "Caravan of Mercy", 100 tons of humanitarian freight was sent.
