Alikhan Smailov orders to introduce systems of early fire detection in natural parks and reserves more actively

16 May 2023, 15:17 534

Measures to ensure preparedness for the fire-hazardous period were considered at the meeting of the Government under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov, cites

First Deputy Minister for Emergency Situations Ibrahim Kulshimbayev reported that annually in the country registers about 1 thousand forest and steppe fires, as well as 4 thousand natural fires, threatening the population, property and nature. Today the regions have already started implementing preventive measures: fire protection service officers renewed visits to farms, held briefings, surveyed the national parks and nature reserves, checked the fire extinguishing means, preventive measures are explained.

In addition, the akimats created more than 590 fire stations that provide fire protection to about 2 thousand settlements with a total population of about 2 million people; more than 4 thousand volunteer fire brigades were organized. At the central level the issue of acquiring new spillway devices for aircrafts involved in elimination of emergency situations of natural and manmade character is under consideration. A number of other steps are planned within the draft Comprehensive Civil Defense Priority Action Plan for 2023-2027.

Zulfiya Suleimenova, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, also informed us about measures being taken to prevent natural fires in the forest fund. The Akim of North Kazakhstan Region Aidarbek Saparov, the Akim of Karaganda Region Yermaganbet Bulekpayev and the Deputy Akim of Kostanay Region Yerlan Spanov reported on regional readiness.

Prime Minister noted that according to forecasts "Kazgidromet" expected hot and dry summer. Especially in the west, east and south of the country.

"This is a high risk of fires. Already there is a complication of the fire situation in a number of regions. Last week, even in the capital there was heavy smoke due to fires in the north of Kazakhstan and in the border regions of Russia. At the same time, the readiness to react to natural fires does not correspond to the required level," Alikhan Smailov said.

This has had disastrous consequences, he said. For example, just last week, Sergeant Arslan Kurmanbekov died while extinguishing a large fire in Ile-Alatau National Park.

"On behalf of the Government and on my own behalf, I express my condolences to the relatives and friends of the deceased. The Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Akimat of Almaty need to provide assistance to the family of the fallen sergeant," Alikhan Smailov stressed.

As the Head of the Government noted, since the beginning of the fire-hazardous period there have been over 120 significant natural fires. And in most cases they were caused by people. 14 cases of transition of fire from the burning grass and plantations to houses were registered.

"This is the result of insufficient work of authorized bodies on plowing of protective strips and clearing of adjacent territories from dead wood, poor responsiveness of emergency services and akimats. This work must be done in the shortest possible time," Prime Minister said.

He stressed that it is necessary to introduce more actively systems of early detection of natural fires. Thus, thanks to the smart system implemented in the territory of "Burabay" National Natural Park last year the area of fires was considerably reduced, damage from them was reduced, and the efficiency of response was increased.

"This experience should be used in other nature parks and reserves," Alikhan Smailov said.

Head of the Government also drew attention to another important point: the experience of last year's fire in Kostanay region showed that the Ministries of Environment and Emergency Situations need to prepare water sources and fire ponds near forest plantations to be able to withdraw water not only by fire trucks, but also by helicopters.

"In general, the Ministry of Emergency Situations together with the state agencies concerned must take daily control of the implementation of the special Interdepartmental Plan for the prevention and elimination of forest and steppe fires in the country," he stressed.

In conclusion, Prime Minister noted the need to continue work on the organization of fire stations and volunteer fire brigades in settlements, to set additional monitoring posts in places with the highest risk of fires, to intensify public education work on compliance with fire safety requirements.
