86 Kazakh schoolchildren win international competition of research projects

3 March 2023, 18:20 649

The XIII International Competition in Mathematics and Mechanics was attended by 150 talented schoolchildren from all regions of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. A total of 112 projects were presented. According to the results of the three-day "battle of intelligences", 86 schoolchildren became prize-winners of the international competition , El.kz reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

"The purpose of the annual traditional XIII International Competition of Research Projects in Mathematics and Mechanics named after U. Dzholdasbekov is the maximum development of mathematical knowledge of students, improving the system and structure of the organization of their research activities," Gazdembek Tursunov, Director of the RSPC "Daryn" said.

The contest was broadcasted on the YouTube channel of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn". The competition was held on the basis of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
