6.2 million people take part in Taza Kazakhstan environmental action

At the Government session under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov the issue of the implementation of Taza Kazakhstan ecological action was considered.The reports were made by the heads of relevant ministries, El.kz cites primeminister.kz.
On the elimination of dumps and fulfilment of the plan to increase green spaces reported the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Yerlan Nysanbayev, on the participation of domestic industrial enterprises in the action - Minister of Industry and Construction Kanat Sharlapayev, on the ongoing work on the formation of environmental culture - Minister of Culture and Information Aida Balayeva. Akims of a number of regions were heard.
Within the framework of Taza Kazakstan campaign for 2024 the total number of participants was 6.2 million people, 1.1 million tonnes of waste were collected, about 1.6 million trees were planted. Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Yerlan Nysanbayev reported that, according to the Head of State's instruction to plant 2 billion green spaces by 2027, the plan for 2025 - 336.5 million seedlings on an area of 494 thousand hectares. At the same time, over 1.1 billion trees have already been planted in the period of 2021-2024.
Special attention was paid to the issue of participation of industrial enterprises in the implementation of environmental protection plans. The President's address emphasised the importance of a high degree of business responsibility in protecting nature. According to the Ministry of Industry and Construction, ERG Group plans to plant about 1.8 million green spaces in 2025. Solidcore Resources in 2024 initiated a pilot project to plant forests on an area of 500 hectares in Kostanay region with the prospect of increasing the area to 1.5 thousand hectares. Qarmet JSC has planted more than 1 million seedlings since 2022.
Prime Minister stressed the importance of Taza Kazakstan in the issue of formation of the culture of citizens' behaviour, support of universal values and establishment of a new ideology of nature conservation. It was noted that the action has acquired the status of a long-term Concept until 2029, which provides a set of measures to improve the environmental situation.
"All the initiatives of the President, including those to improve ecology and environment, to observe law and order, are aimed at forming a healthy culture of behaviour of our citizens, supporting universal values. They are not limited only to holding actions or observing laws, but should contribute to the establishment of a new ideology of nature conservation, respectful attitude to people, history and traditions. Ecological culture should become an integral part of our lives. All state bodies, business and the public should be actively involved in this work. The implementation of the Taza Kazakstan initiative should cover all spheres of our activities," Olzhas Bektenov noted.
Taking into account the obligations under the Paris Agreement on achieving carbon neutrality, the need to take effective measures to reduce emissions into the atmosphere was noted. In this regard, the Ministry of Ecology together with akimats have been instructed to promptly complete the introduction of automated systems for monitoring emissions into the environment.
Head of the Government emphasised the importance of forming a living ecosystem by creating carbon polygons, aimed at absorbing carbon and reducing the impact on nature. The Ministry of Ecology has been instructed to develop legislative amendments for the implementation of such projects.
Akimats are tasked with opening new plants to process household waste, as well as intensifying work to eliminate unauthorised dumps and prevent their occurrence. At the same time, local executive bodies have been instructed to ensure the creation of nurseries of planting material in the regions and maximum survival rate of planted trees and shrubs.
The Ministries of Ecology and Digital Development have been instructed to increase the coverage and frequency of space monitoring of territories in order to detect illegal dumps.
The Ministries of Culture, Education, Science and Higher Education were instructed to strengthen educational and awareness-raising work in the area of environmental conservation and raising the environmental culture of the population.