

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

What has our country achieved throughout the years of independence?
30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

It is a great dream of any nation to be able to live on equal footing with other countries in the world. This year marks the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s Independence. During this time, the country has overcome some difficulties and embarked on the path of development. The 30th anniversary of Independence gives grounds for reflection and assessment from the perspective of the current moment and at the same time worthy path that the country has passed over the past years, and all the key results achieved so far, which allows the nation to assert its state solvency and opportunities for further progressive development. El.kz portal offers you to look through significant milestones, important events, and major achievements that have raised the pedestal of Independence over the past 30 years.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan


In 1991, the Republic of Kazakhstan, which has a long history, became a sovereign state in a new era. Our country's independence was first acknowledged by the United States on the other side of the ocean, followed by China and then, the United Kingdom. Later, it was also acknowledged by Mongolia, France, Japan, South Korea and Iran. Besides that, the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site was closed by the decree of the President of the Kazakh SSR, Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev on August 29, 1991. Therefore, a Kazakh astronaut Toktar Aubakirov flew to the Space station as a part of an international crew in October of that year. He is the first Kazakh astronaut who contributed to the development of military service, science, and technology of Kazakhstan and made a good career in the Government.

Independence Day is celebrated on the 16th of December every year. The festive cultural and entertainment events dedicated to the national holiday are organized in all regions of Kazakhstan, and awards in various fields are given to the outstanding specialists among the citizens of the republic.


The state symbols of the Republic were officially adopted in 1992. State symbols are one of the essential attributes of any state representing its identity and sovereignty. The State Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a rectangular blue cloth with the image of the sun with rays in the centre, under which is a soaring eagle. The author of the State Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is an honoured artist of Kazakhstan Shaken Niyazbekov. The State Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan has the shape of a circle and is an image of a shanyrak on a blue background, from which uyks radiate in all directions in the form of sun rays. In the upper part, there is a three-dimensional five-pointed star, and in the lower part, there is the inscription “Kazakhstan”. The authors of the State Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan are well-known architects Zhandarbek Malibekov and Shot-Aman Ualikhanov. On December 11, the text of the National anthem was approved during the discussion. In the end, the texts of four poets – Muzafar Alimbayev, Kadyr Myrza Ali, Tumanbay Moldagaliev and Zhadyra Daribayeva were selected for the anthem.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

Other than this, on March 2 of the same year, our country became a full member of the United Nations. Kazakhstan has also been admitted into the fundamental organization as the OSCE. From that moment onwards, the young state became involved in transnational corporations and began to invest in Kazakh lands. Five months later, after gaining independence, the Independent Armed Forces of Kazakhstan were established in the country. Therefore, the World Congress of Kazakhs was held in Almaty city.


On January 28, 1993, independent Kazakhstan proclaimed its first Constitution. The adoption of the first major document is one of the most significant milestones of the years of independence. However, the Constitution had been discussed for a long time, it was in force for more than two years only. The Constitution maintains the balance between the Supreme Soviet, the President and the judiciary. And, a new constitution increased the presidential powers as well.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

In the same year, a national currency – tenge was introduced for the first time, and Kazakhstan gained financial independence. Also, the first annual quota for the repatriates has been set, and 10,000 families have moved away from their native homeland. The law “On the State Border of the Republic of Kazakhstan” was adopted in 1993. In the same year, the name “Alma-Ata” was changed to “Almaty”. Moreover, the UN Office in Kazakhstan had been opened in the southern capital. The Kazakh government and the American company “Chevron” have signed an agreement called the “Contract of the Century”. A figure who had an immeasurable place in the history of Kazakhstan's statehood, Dinmukhamed Akhmetuly Kunayev, passed away. An International Scholarship “Bolashak” was established on November 5, 1993, by the Decree of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Elbasy N. A. Nazarbayev.


On January 7, Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin was renamed as Kazakh National Technical University based on the Decree number 43 issued by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On March 7, the first election to the legislature of the Surpreme Council was held on the basis of the First Constitution. Parliamentary elections, that paved the way for the development of a multi-party system, were held for the first time in the country. Moreover, the state borderline between Kazakhstan and China has been clarified in the same year. On July 1, the second Kazakh aeronaut – Talgat Musabayev ascended into aerospace. Besides that, the first currency exchange offices appeared in the same year. Furthermore, religious activity became more active, and the number of mosques and madrassas started to increase as well.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

Also, in 1994, a group of Kazakh students pursued their education abroad for the first time under the “Bolashak” scholarship program. This scholarship will help graduates become more professional and successful in their careers. Nowadays, Bolashak graduates work at many government agencies, domestic and international organizations, and joint-stock companies.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan


In 1995, Kazakhstan adopted a new constitution, which is the main guarantee of modern development. This document has become a classic model of the political system, allowing the three branches of government to work through the appropriate mechanisms. On March 1, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan was established in the country to strengthen inter-ethnic harmony and stability. Also, 1995 was declared as the “Year of Abai”. On September 15, the President issued a decree to move the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Akmola.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

Therefore, Kazakhstan signed an economic and military cooperation pact with Russia, and nuclear-free status was obtained too. Other than this, the First President Nazarbayev's term in office was extended until December 2000. On December 9, the Republic of Kazakhstan became a member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation;


Five years later, after gaining independence, Kazakhstan had begun to develop comprehensive programs for the development of the state. On December 16, 1996, the Monument of Independence was opened in Almaty. This symbol was one of the ideological measures aimed at uniting the people. On April 3, 1996, the representatives of the Kazakh nation had the opportunity to write their father's name in their personal documents in accordance with historical and folk traditions. Besides this, Kazakhstan participated in the Summer Olympic Games as an independent nation for the first time at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta. At the XXVI Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, Kazakhstani athletes won three gold, four silver and four bronze medals, ranking the 24th place out of 197 countries. On April 26, the leaders of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, China and Tajikistan met in Shanghai to discuss security concerns and they signed the historic agreement on strengthening confidence-building measures near national boundaries.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan


In October 1997, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, in his Address to the people of the country presented the Strategy «Prosperity, security and ever-growing welfare of all the Kazakhstanis» for the development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until the year 2030. The “Kazakhstan-2030” Strategy outlined a long-term way of development of the sovereign republic, directed at transforming the country into one of the safest, most stable, ecologically sustained states of the world with a dynamically developing economy. The same year was also declared as the “Year of Reconciliation and Victims of Political Repression”. On November 20, the Kazakh capital is moved from Almaty in the south to Akmola (formerly Tselinograd) in the north part of Kazakhstan. On January 10, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan signed a tripartite agreement on eternal friendship. On January 24, the state adopted the Law “On Languages ​​in the Republic of Kazakhstan” and the Kazakh language was enacted as the official language. On December 10 of the same year, the National Fund for the Protection of Vulnerable Groups was established as well. In addition, major oil agreements were secured with China.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan


1998 was declared as the “Year of the history and unity of the nation” in our country. An inventory of the history of our nation and the process of revival of consciousness was carried out with the help of the state. The amendments were made to the Constitution, which is the source of all laws, and the Strategic Plan “Kazakhstan – 2030” was officially launched too. As a result of the reforms launched in 1998, Kazakhstan developed a multi-level pension system that provides the pension contributions from various sources. Also, the state increased the retirement age to 58 for women and 63 for men.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

On January 15, Kazakhstan and the European Union signed an agreement on partnership and cooperation. On June 10, an international presentation of the new capital of Kazakhstan took place in the capital. On June 30, the Council of Foreign Investors was established under the President. On July 6, Kazakhstan and Russia signed a declaration of eternal friendship and alliance for the XXI century. On July 17, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan signed a memorandum on the delimitation of the state border. On December 9, the first anti-corruption program of the state was adopted in the country. The year was marked by the global financial crisis, the arrival of a new government team, and the early presidential elections.


On January 10, Nursultan Nazarbayev was re-elected president after the main rival, with 79.78% of the vote in the presidential election. From February 25 to March 4, the first census of independent Kazakhstan, which showed that the country has a population of 14,953,100 people, was conducted and the population decreased by 7.7% compared to 10 years. On March 1, the Republican Party “Otan” was formed, uniting four political parties. On April 5, the exchange rate of the national currency failed against the dollar. The construction of the Almaty Central Mosque, the main Muslim institution in the country, was completed on July 7. It's worth noting that the Government was headed by Kassym-Jomart Tokayev from 1999 to 2002.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan


Having been part of the empire for seventy years and retaliating for the preservation of national values, the young state began the new century with the support of culture. In order to improve the mechanisms of power, the First President, Nursultan Nazarbayev, adopted a Decree “On strengthening the independent judiciary of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

One of the main news of 2000 is approving a new concept of Kazakhstan's foreign policy. On October 10, 2000, the Eurasian Economic Community was established in Astana as an international economic organization, signed by the heads of the member states of the Customs Union. The agreement on the establishment of this community was signed by Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Later, the Eurasian Economic Union was established and the community was rejected too.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

On June 30, 2000, Kazakhstan launched the largest project – the Kashagan oil and gas field. It is the largest field in the oil industry, that has been discovered in the world over the last 40 years.

Moreover, Economic Security Strategy up to 2010 was adopted as well. Kazakhstan also beefed up security on all borders following incursions by Islamist militants in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.


Kazakhstan celebrated the 10th anniversary of its independence. The country summed up all the works that had been done over the past decade and made plans for the future.

The first major pipeline for transporting oil from Caspian to the world markets was opened in March of 2001, running from the huge Tengiz oil field in western Kazakhstan to the Russian Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. In June of 2001, Kazakhstan joins China, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in launching the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) which aims to fight with ethnic and religious militancy.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

On September 22, 2001, Pope John Paul II visited the Republic of Kazakhstan and about 300,000 Christians from 30 countries came to the country to attend the ceremony. In the same year, four military districts have been established in the state and the demarcation of the border with neighboring countries was completed too.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

In December of the same year, the former US President George Bush visited the country, and declared commitment to long-term, strategic partnership.


Putting some efforts to the human capital in the process of development, Kazakhstan declared 2002 as the “Year of National Health”. Also, the Second World Congress of Kazakhs was held in Turkestan, which is considered the spiritual centre of the country.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

In 2002, the euro was introduced in Kazakhstan for the first time. In January, Kazakhstan`s private banks “BankTuranAlem”, “Halyk Bank” and “Kazkommertsbank” brought 30 million euros to the country. According to the National Bank, the euro was 150.97 Tenge at that time.

The Eurasian Media Forum started its work on April 25. On the same day, the Football Union of Kazakhstan became a member of the Union of European Football Associations. On May 13, Nursultan Nazarbayev and Vladimir Putin signed an important historical document between Kazakhstan and Russia – a protocol on the demarcation of the border in the northern part of the Caspian Sea. On May 15, “Air Astana” airline performed its first flight from Almaty to Astana. The airline has carried a total of 44 million passengers and performed almost 500,000 flights. Air Astana’s route network currently extends to more than 60 international and domestic flights, with the fleet comprising of 34 Airbus, Boeing, and Embraer aircraft. On October 17, the Secretary-General of the United Nation, Kofi Annan, arrived in Kazakhstan. Therefore, the new administrative buildings were built in the capital. Also, in 2002, the 2000th anniversary of Taraz city was celebrated at the UNESCO level.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan


In 2003, the first banknote of 10 thousand tenge was put into circulation. It was the largest banknote in Kazakhstan at that time.

After achieving some success, Kazakhstan had declared the following three years as the “Year of the Village”, which focused on the market economy. Kazakhstan had become the first country in the world who hosted a congress of leaders of the world and traditional religions to establish an interfaith dialogue. The congress was attended by 17 delegations from 23 countries. On February 23, the Presidents of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine signed a statement on the establishment of a single economic space. On March 14, after a 12-year hiatus, the country resumed exports of black caviar and fish to Europe. On December 19, a moratorium on the death penalty came into force. Other than this, Kazakhstan became a member of the World Health Organization and the “Year of Kazakhstan” was celebrated in Russia.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan


The “Cultural Heritage” program was adopted on behalf of the President. A big project, that connected the past and present of Kazakh culture, had been planned for three years.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

From May 16 to 19, Kazakhstan and China signed an agreement on the construction of the Atasu-Alashankou oil pipeline. The 15 millionth inhabitant of the country, Perizat Uskenbayeva, was born on May 28 in the East Kazakhstan region. On November 10, the Presidential Decree on the State Program for the Formation of e-Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan was issued in the state. A national team of Kazakhstan won one gold, four silver and three bronze medals at the XXVIII Summer Olympic Games in Athens from 13 to 29 August and took 40th place out of 201 countries. A new presidential residence “Akorda” was opened in the same year.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan


One of the significant milestones of 2005 is a presidential election campaign that was held on the 4th of December in Astana. In the election, that was contested by candidates with different political views, the First President won the trust of the people with 91.15% of the vote. On July 5, the Astana summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization adopted a declaration calling on the United States to clarify the timing of the withdrawal of military bases in Central Asia. Kazakhstan highly appreciates the role of the SCO in strengthening international security and regional cooperation. Along with other members of the Organization, our country strives to constantly make its worthy contribution to strengthening and fully implementing its powerful potential. A new three-year state housing development program was launched in February of that year. Furthermore, the year was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan


It was a year of economic breakthrough for Kazakhstan. While GDP was reaching an unprecedented 10.6 percent, the National Fund's assets reached $ 14 billion. This has strengthened the people's confidence in the future. Besides that, our state convened the Second Congress of the Leaders of the World and Traditional Religions, making every effort to ensure international security. Also, in 2006, unprecedented samples of Tenge were published and the State Fund “Samruk” was established as well.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

On January 11, the inauguration ceremony of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, took place at the “Ak Orda” Presidential Palace, and the new national anthem was announced there. Furthermore, the 20th of January of 2006 marked the 10th anniversary of the bicameral Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On July 3, the property legalization campaign started in the country. On October 3, a forum on the cooperation between the border regions of Kazakhstan and Russia was held for the first time in the West Kazakhstan region.


That year was marked by socio-political events in the history of Kazakhstan. The state moved from the presidential to the presidential-parliamentary system of government, due to the amendments in the Constitution. Then, parliament dissolved itself, and in the last month of the summer, political parties competed for the seats in the legislature through a proportional representation system. On January 14, Kazakhstan announced its priorities for the 2010 Chairmanship of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

On January 19, the professional cycling club “Astana” was presented in the country. On July 3, the national program “30 Corporate Leaders” was launched in our state.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

Therefore, the second stage of the “Cultural Heritage” program, which is very important for the people of Kazakhstan, was launched in 2007. 4 billion Tenge was allocated from the state budget for the systematization, maintenance and development of this program. There was 2.7 billion tenge allocated for the first stage, and more than 5 billion was allocated for the second stage of the program.


The 10th anniversary of the capital was celebrated at the national level. Foreign guests highly appreciated the work of the First President, Nursultan Nazarbayev, in creating the center of the country as one of the youngest capitals in the world. In 2008, Kazakhstan's demographics developed rapidly. On April 2, the Beijing Olympic Torch Relay opened in Almaty with the participation of the First President of the state. A national team of Kazakhstan won two gold, four silver and seven bronze medals at the XXIX Summer Olympic Games in Beijing from 8 to 24 August and took 29th place out of 204 countries.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

In 2008, the National Center for Neurosurgery was established at the initiative of the First President of the country. It is one of the leading innovative institutions in the field of healthcare. The center has treated more than 37 thousand patients and operated on more than 25 thousand people. In addition, 66 neurosurgical technologies were introduced there in the medical center.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan


When the world was in the throes of the financial crisis, the “Road Map” program was cultivated on the instructions of the First President, Elbasy, Nursultan Nazarbayev and the Government withstood the crisis. Kazakhstan hosted the third congress of the leaders of the world and traditional religions in Astana, not forgetting security and stability in such a difficult period. On January 12, the first intellectual school named after the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was opened in Astana. On February 24-25, the census of the population took place in the country and a year later the country's population exceeded 16 million people. On March 21-23, “Nauryz” holiday had been officially celebrated in the country for three days in a row. On August 3, the construction of the “Zhetygen-Khorgos” international railway was started immediately. On December 12, the First President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev and the Former President of China, Hu Jintao, launched the Kazakhstani section of the Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan-China gas pipeline.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan


There is no doubt that 2010 was remembered in the history of Kazakhstan by the chairmanship in the OSCE. Kazakhstan’s chairmanship was a landmark event as our country was the first Central Asian, post-Soviet, and predominantly Muslim state to lead the OSCE. The country’s leadership viewed the OSCE chairmanship as a strategic national project that enabled the country to develop closer ties with both Europe and the United States and to make its own contribution to Euro-Asian security. The 2010 OSCE Chairmanship had focused on resolving protracted conflicts, the reconstruction of Afghanistan, addressing terrorism and other threats, co-operation on transport, and promoting inter-ethnic and inter-religious coexistence. In a videotaped address to the OSCE Permanent Council, the First President of the state noted that Kazakhstan’s 2010 Chairmanship would have been guided by trust, tradition, transparency and tolerance.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

The work of the organization, that united 56 countries from Vancouver to Vladivostok, was praised by the international community. The summit of the organization, which had not been held for 11 years, was organized in the capital. According to the President's Address, the Government had adopted an industrial-innovative program. Special attention was paid to education and science, and a new law was approved as well. The first university of international level, Nazarbayev University had been opened in the country. The United Nations had declared the day of the closure of the Semipalatinsk test site as the “International Day for Nuclear Disarmament”. The Customs Union between Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus was launched on January 1. The United Nations had acknowledged “Nowruz” as an international national holiday.


From January 30 to February 6, Kazakhstan hosted the first Asian Winter Games. The 7th Asian Winter Games were held in two cities, Astana and Almaty. The documents for the hosting city were signed in Kuwait on January 5, 2006. The Government of Kazakhstan had planned to allocate US$726 million for the construction and renovation of the sports facilities, including the Medeo skating rink and the Shymbulak skating area to the southeast of the city. In sports competitions, the country's athletes won 32 gold, 21 silver, and 17 bronze medals, taking first place among 26 countries on the entire continent. The White, Asian Games gave a special spiritual impetus to Kazakh society. On December 1, the railway station in Almaty was launched for the first time. On December 9, the Moinak hydroelectric power station was put into operation. The 16th of December of 2011 marked the 20th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan


At the beginning of the year, the First President's Address was aimed at the development of not only the economy but also the social sphere. Particular attention was paid to the development of employment, affordable rental, regional development, improving the quality of public services, managerial skills, judicial and law enforcement systems, human capital, pension systems, industrial projects, agriculture. Also, Kazakhstan had become a huge construction site, creating ten thousand jobs. One of the highlights of the year is that on the 22nd of November of 2012, Kazakhstan was awarded the right to host a world exhibition in the country. With the participation of members of the International Exhibitions Bureau, Astana received 103 votes in total.


2013 was marked by the work on the Address of the First President “Strategy 2050 – a new political course of the established state”. The First President, Nursultan Nazarbayev delivered a bold, innovative strategy of “Universal economic pragmatism” designed to make Kazakhstan one of the world’s top 30 most developed states by 2050. The Kazakhstan 2050 Strategy implements seven long-term priorities to be among the top 30 global economies by 2050 through sustainable domestic development, political cooperation with peace and prosperity-seeking nations, digitalization, civil and social modernization and national pride.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

In addition, the elections of heads of local authorities were held for the first time in the history of Kazakhstan. On August 24, the XX anniversary session of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan was held with the participation of the First President, Nursultan Nazarbayev on the theme “Kazakhstan-2050 strategy: one nation – one country – one destiny”.


In August of that year, the Government was restructured in the state. Instead of 17 ministries and 9 agencies, 12 ministries and about 30 committees were established in the country. The Financial Police was transferred to the Agency for the Civil Service and Anti-Corruption. In addition, the Ministries of Energy, Culture and Sports, Investment and Development, and National Economy were established as well.


On July 27, the Republic of Kazakhstan became a member of the World Trade Organization. On September 2, the third cosmonaut in the history of Kazakhstan, Aidyn Aimbetov flew into aerospace as a member of an international crew to the International Space Station. Kazakhstan celebrated the 550th anniversary of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate on September 11 with a number of events throughout the capital. Addressing the participants of the events, Nursultan Nazarbayev said the celebration was a tribute to the glorious past of the nation and a reminder of the history lessons for today’s generation. He emphasized that the generation raised in independent Kazakhstan had lifted the prestige of the country to unprecedented heights by realizing the centuries-old dream of its ancestors.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan


The 16th of December of 2016 marked the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan's declaration of independence. A declaration dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence was written in the state. At the same time, proposals were made to name the capital after the Head of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On the eve of the holiday, many Kazakhstani state awards were received and an amnesty was announced in the country too.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan


An international exhibition “EXPO-2017” was one of the major events of the year, organized in Kazakhstan. The exhibition was held from June 10 to September 10 in the capital of the state. About 4 million people from all over the world came to the country in order to see the event, half of the million people are foreigners among them. There were 115 countries and 22 international organizations that took part in the exhibition.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

In addition, the First President issued a decree on the transfer of the Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet on October 26.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

Another main event of 2017 is hosting the 28th Winter Universiade in Kazakhstan’s largest metropolitan city, Almaty. The Winter Universiade of 2017 drew a record 57 countries with 2,481 participants, including 1,620 athletes. By the end of the Games, the host nation would win 11 gold medals for a 36-medal total, ahead of the Republic of Korea and Japan. Kazakhstan placed second on the overall medal table just behind the Russian Federation, which won 29 of the 85 gold medals.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan


Since January 1, Kazakhstan has chaired the UN Security Council. The main purpose of the chairmanship was to adopt the documents on Central Asia and Afghanistan. Non-permanent members of the Council take their turns in this position. The 20th anniversary of Astana was also celebrated in 2018.

On July 5, 2018, the Astana International Financial Center was opened on the campus side of the EXPO. It was planned to play a key role as a regional business and financial center connecting the economies of Central Asia, the Caucasus, the EAEU, Western China, Mongolia, the Middle East and Europe.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

On August 12, Aktau hosted the 5th Caspian Summit, which was attended by the presidents of the littoral states of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Russia and Turkmenistan. The legal status of the Caspian Sea, which had been a serious problem for 25 years, was determined during the meeting.


2019 had marked the significant milestones in the history of the state. On March 19, 2019, at 19:00 pm, the First President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, sent a video message to the people and announced that he would resign from his position. Thus, the president, who had ruled the country for 30 years, resigned voluntarily. This was unexpected news for all the Kazakhstanis.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan

On June 9, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev was elected as the President of the country with early elections and more than 70% of the vote. And, Nazarbayev stayed in the position of the chairman of the Security Council. On September 2, the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev addressed the nation with the theme “Constructive public dialogue – the basis of stability and prosperity of Kazakhstan”.


2020 was declared as the year of celebrating the anniversaries of the greatest thinkers and figures. The 1150th anniversary of Al-Farabi, the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayuly, the 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde were celebrated at the national level. However, many events have been canceled and postponed due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. The brightest scene of Abai's anniversary was the launch of the cultural and educational television channel “Abai TV”. Moreover, 2020 has been a big challenge for the country's healthcare system. The medical workers and doctors gained new experience and lessons in the fight against the coronavirus infection. 15 new modular infectious hospitals were opened in the country in order to combat the disease. Also, a compulsory social health insurance system has been launched in Kazakhstan. The average salary of doctors was increased by 30%, and the average salary of nurses was extended by 20%.

30th anniversary of independence – a significant landmark in history of modern Kazakhstan


President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has declared 2021 as the year of the 30th anniversary of independence. Also, the President said that the events dedicated to the 30th anniversary should bring a spiritual breakthrough to the people. General work in the field of spirituality consists of several areas. One of them is the promotion of the work of prominent people who have left an indelible mark on the history of the nation. “Several anniversaries coincide with the anniversary year. The 175th anniversary of the poet Jambyl, the 155th anniversary of the Alash intellectual Alikhan Bukeikhanov, the 150th anniversary of the great-grandfather Kazhymukan Munaitpasov and other historical figures. We need to celebrate these holidays in a very meaningful way”, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said. To sum up, 2021 has been a historic and milestone year for the Kazakh Homeland.

In conclusion, 30 years is not a long time for the history of our Motherland. Years of independence are marked by dynamic economic growth, public welfare gains, a unique model of inter-ethnic consent. Kazakhstan has become a leader in the world of the anti-nuclear process. Besides achieving the major accomplishments, the country had experienced three crises during these years. These difficult times have strengthened the patience and endurance of our country, and today we are moving forward with a number of bold steps, such as the creation of the Eurasian economic space.

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